I've decided to try and read 50 books this year. Yes, 50 books. I'm mad. So starting from today, Sunday 20th February 2011, I'll be logging every book I read. I do love reading and have an insatiable appetite for literature so I do think I can do it. It does mean averaging about a book a week though and that worries me. I'm quite busy; working as a musician and teacher can mean crazily busy weeks where I barely have time to sleep let alone set a few hours aside for a book. I do tend to make this up in the holiday periods, last Summer I clocked up 11 books in 6 weeks.
As we speak, I'm about to finish A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters by Julian Barnes. In fact, I'm fairly sure I'll finish it tonight or tomorrow so I can tick one off straight away. Slightly cheating perhaps as I started it before by start date but it'll feel good to get one clocked up early on.
I'm not sure what to read next. A lot of books I had lined up are huge tomes but I need to get a few under my belt to give me some momentum so they may have to take a back seat.
Anyone fancy joining in the challenge?